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Are you looking to take your lawn bowls game to the next level? Look no further than Paul Harper, a renowned World Lawn Bowls Tester, who offers expert testing services to bowlers worldwide. With Paul's extensive experience and meticulous attention to detail, you can trust that your bowls will be in expert hands. And the best part? Paul's testing services are available for just $77 per set!

Who is Paul Harper? With a passion for lawn bowls that spans decades, Paul Harper is a respected figure in the world of lawn bowls testing. As a World Lawn Bowls Tester, Paul has honed his skills through years of dedicated practice and study. His keen eye for detail and commitment to excellence make him the perfect choice for bowlers seeking to optimise their equipment for peak performance.

What Does Bowls Testing Entail? Bowls testing involves a comprehensive assessment of your bowls to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Paul Harper employs a rigorous testing process that includes evaluating factors such as bias, weight distribution, and grip quality. By meticulously examining each set of bowls, Paul can provide valuable insights and recommendations for improvement.

Why Choose Paul Harper? When it comes to bowls testing, experience matters. Paul Harper brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every testing session, backed by years of hands-on experience in the field. Whether you're a competitive bowler looking to gain a competitive edge or a casual player seeking greater consistency, Paul's testing services can help you achieve your goals.

Affordable Pricing: At just $77 per set, Paul Harper's bowls testing services offer exceptional value for bowlers of all levels. Unlike other testing services that may charge exorbitant fees, Paul's affordable pricing makes it accessible to bowlers on any budget. With Paul's expertise and affordable pricing, there's no reason to delay optimising your bowls for maximum performance.

How to Get Started: Ready to take advantage of Paul Harper's expert bowls testing services? Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to Paul via email or phone to schedule a testing session at your convenience. Whether you're located locally or halfway around the world, Paul can accommodate your needs and provide prompt, professional service.

Don't settle for subpar performance from your bowls any longer. Contact Paul Harper today to schedule your bowls testing session and unlock your full potential on the green!

Contact Paul Harper

Tel. 0404 838 261 · · Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00

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